Do you want to eat lots of great tasting home grown vegetables and fruits?  Be prepared and live ready!  Come learn some of the secrets of Gardening-in-the-Gorge.  Our Master Gardener is very knowledgeable and has been successfully gardening for food and pleasure for many years.  Come with your questions and ideas and be prepared to participate!

The workshop runs from 7:00pm to 9pm once a quarter.  We meet in the basement-dining hall of First Christian Church, 404 NE 6th Ave., Camas WA 98607.  The dining hall is accessed from half way down the side street–NE Cedar Street.

This workshop is held quarterly (on the 3rd Thursday of October, January, March and May).  Please remember to pre-register as we need at least 5 people pre-registered by the Tuesday before the workshop or this workshop will be cancelled!